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Athletic Greens & Fit for Life Partnership
We are happy to announce our partnership with Athletic Greens, a company that specializes in high-quality→

Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Pull-Ups
For someone who has been hitting the gym for a long time, pull-ups are often→

5 Tips to Stay Lean All Year Round
Those who know me know that I’m lean all year round, without spending countless hours→
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5 Risk Factors for Men’s Sexual Health
0Men’s ability to arouse sexually and maintain an erection during sex depends on various factors. Some members of the stronger sex manage to keep sexual health until old age, while others face first problems at in their 40’s. What does this depend on, and what negatively affects sexual activity? Learn more about risk factors for men’s sexual health in the following article! Excess weight and potency problems This isn’t just about physical difficulties, although extra weight may create certain obstacles to normal sexual activity, and this greatly affects the quality of sexual intercourse. The main problem is that the body of an overweight man produces extra estrogens, while the concentration of testosterone (which is responsible for physical strength and endurance and determines the degree of sexual desire) declines. This explains why belly and breasts grow faster, and shoulders become smaller than buttocks. Even if a man doesn’t have complexes about→
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5 Risk Factors for Men’s Sexual Health
Men’s ability to arouse sexually and maintain an erection during sex depends on various factors. Some members of the stronger→
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will enter into force on May 25th, 2018. It is imposed on the countries→
Great At-Home Exercise Tips for Type 2 Diabetics
Type 2 diabetics individuals with type 2 diabetes need ample exercise to keep their blood sugar levels and weight down.→
No-Bake Cheesecake
Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle becomes increasingly more difficult because of two things – the constant availability of food,→
No-Bake Banana Bread Blondies
Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle becomes increasingly more difficult because of two things – the constant availability of food,→
Interview with Erny –
Erny is the owner of different websites on the Internet. After some emails Erny and I exchanged, I decided to→
Athletic Greens & Fit for Life Partnership
We are happy to announce our partnership with Athletic Greens, a company that specializes in high-quality supplements. Athletic Greens has but→
Coconut, Almond, Ginger and Vanilla Protein Bar
Here we go again, with a new protein-rich tasty recipe, these bars are as easy to make as easy to pack!→
How to Become a Vegetarien
You decided to become a vegetarian or vegan? Yet not sure about where to begin? Cutting on meat after years→
The Paleo Diet: Claims Versus Evidence
The Paleo diet: everyone has heard of it, yet few really know what that diet is about. While some do think→
P90X3 Workout Review
P90X3 is a 90 days workout program created by Tony Horton, a personal trainer and former actor. It’s a program→
The Dangerous Power of Negative Motivation
By looking at how people find motivation to exercise, improve their diet, or improve other aspects of their lives, it→
Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Pull-Ups
For someone who has been hitting the gym for a long time, pull-ups are often part of the routine. Those→
5 Tips to Stay Lean All Year Round
Those who know me know that I’m lean all year round, without spending countless hours in the gym, or following→
6 Reasons to Subscribe to Our Newsletter
When I’m surfing the Internet, I need some time before leaving my email address in that small optin box. In→